CCTV-Educational Facilities

CCTV in schools has many benefits

Deters Vandalism

CCTV systems can also prevent vandalism, whether it is committed by students or by others. A CCTV camera informs potential vandals that they are being watched and they will be identified from the footage if they commit vandalism.

Therefore, CCTV should be installed in areas where vandals gather when they think they cannot be seen, such as at the back of buildings and side alleys. 

Bullying & antisocial behaviour are reduced

The majority of schools experience bullying, which teachers and staff are constantly trying to eradicate. As well as deterring bullies from terrorizing others, CCTV installations around the school, such as in corridors and hallways, will also allow staff to identify those who are bullies. It is especially useful if the victim is apprehensive about coming forward and naming their bully.

The areas that need improvement are highlighted

Additionally, CCTV systems can help identify areas for improvement in the way a school operates, especially in terms of student safety. Bottlenecks and particularly busy corridors at certain times of day can be identified via the cameras and the opposed risk to students can be resolved. There may also be safety hazards such as heavy doors or steps, that are causing an issue and safety risk to pupils. These are things students are unlikely to report themselves but can be identified via CCTV, therefore helping to continuously improve the school’s level of safety and eliminating risk.

Enhances the safety of teachers

It is extremely important to ensure the safety of teachers, but it is often overlooked. It is important for teachers to feel safe at work, and a school with CCTV monitors will give them peace of mind that the school is being monitored continuously. By doing this, you can reduce the stress and pressure caused by worrying about intruders and unauthorised individuals entering your school.

CCTV in classrooms can also provide an added sense of security to teachers when an incident occurs with a student. It can alert other staff members when the teacher needs extra assistance, due to anti-social behaviour or violence, or can act as video evidence when liaising between students, teachers and parents.

During school closures, thieves are deterred

During Christmas holidays, half-term and summer holidays, many schools are closed on weekends, bank holidays, and for long periods. In addition to school closures, criminals know how many high-tech and expensive tools are often found in schools, such as computers, laptops, and woodworking tools. Having a commercial CCTV system installed will deter intruders and show that the school has a high-tech security system. If they think they will be caught on camera, they will likely move on to a new target.

Unauthorised visitors are identified

There is a concern among many parents that unauthorised visitors may enter a school’s premises. Having CCTV cameras monitor all entrances will give parents peace of mind that their child is safe.

It is possible to identify any individual not supposed to be on the premises via the CCTV system, and staff can take action appropriately and swiftly if necessary

Our CCTV solutions include:

  • Low-light cameras
  • On and off-site recording and storage
  • 360-degree pan, tilt and zoom functions
  • Remote monitoring of 24/7 contracts
  • Internet Protocol (IP) CCTV
  • High-definition (HD) and ultra-HD surveillance systems
  • Automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) vehicle recognition systems
  • Thermal CCTV
  • Maintenance contracts

Internet Protocol (IP) CCTV

Our modern IP CCTV solutions are now hugely popular, especially for businesses. IP CCTV can be easily integrated into existing or new IT infrastructures, or access control systems. Also by using a smart device app, live monitoring of your cameras can be done from anywhere at any time.

24-hour remote CCTV monitoring systems

We also offer 24-hour remote CCTV monitoring systems – perfect for commercial premises requiring round-the-clock surveillance, giving you complete peace of mind that your building is protected at all times.

ANPR vehicle recognition CCTV systems

As a deterrent against unauthorised parking, fly-tipping and security threats, our ANPR vehicle recognition CCTV systems work seamlessly with access control systems, as well as automatic barriers, automatic bollards or commercial gates.

With so many options available, our team is on hand to help and advise you on your specific CCTV requirements.

Contact us today to arrange a free, no-obligation site visit.

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